New FanArt: Shahid As A Werewolf - Who wants to participate?

In recent times, supernatural beings are all the rage in popular culture, foremost vampires and werewolves, be it in books and movies like Twilight, or TV shows like The Vampire Diaries. These mystical creatures are all very good looking these days, unlike when those tales originally came up. Just saying. :D

To participate in the Poster/Fan Art, tell us what these words mean to you:
 'Shahid As A Werewolf'? 

Let us know your thoughts and mail them to us on: shanaticart(at)ymail(dot)com
Send them latest by Wednesday, May 29th, midnight IST.

There is no word limit,since we don't want to 'limit' Shanatics. Just try to not make it too long, so we can fit your entry on the poster. Once we get your thoughts and those of others,  the best ones will be featured on the Poster/Fan Art.

We sent a copy of our Posters/Fan Art to Shahid this year on his birthday, and may send this one too! The best thoughts/opinions will be chosen (cast of vote) by Shanatics, for the sake of fairness in the competition.
After we've collected your entries, we will (anonymously) put them up for voting. The  entries with the most votes will be featured on the Poster/Fan Art.

We are looking forward to your ideas!


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