Happy Twitter Anniversary, Shahid Kapoor

On November 25th, 2009 our hero Shahid Kapoor made his first tweet:

It means so much to us that you are on twitter, Shahid, and we hope you enjoy it!

Twitter being the only way for most of us to communicate directly with Shahid, we asked you to share what him being on twitter means to you via creations.
Take a look! (as always, creations are posted in the order I got them)

by Keshie ()

by Shany (@shahidirene25)

by Sannif (@sannif_hussain )

by Suhasini (@shahidlicious)

by Akanksha (@akkilovesshahid)

by KannuPriya (@KP_KannuPriya)

by RashaQutami ()

by Tania (@myself_tania )

by Melissa (@MissKapur)

by @Shaani2803

by Chalani (@chalani22)

by Bia (@Biajji)

by Calena (@Calena_COS)

We hope you enjoyed all these creations! Let us know below in the comments and on Twitter.


Unknown said...

All the creations are just awsome!!! loved it <3 <3 <3.. appreciate the hard work put in.. :) :D

shahidirene25 said...

thank u all looking good! feeling gud 2 knw his 1st tweet on 2009 was on my bday! :) much love

kp_kannupriya said...

Omg i love all d creations specially rasha qutami n calena :) u guys r a champ

Tania said...

lovely creations by all :) acc. to me Rasha n Celena's creations are the best :)

Unknown said...

O What lovely creations all of them are.Thank u so much all of you.Shahid Kapoor we #Shanatics are forever indebted to you for joining twitter.This is the only way we can share with you our mind&know so much about you.I have been able to know the real you(as much possible thru interactions)as I can follow u thru twitter otherwise I may be among many,many others who would hv. known you just thru the media news which I feel do not uphold the real you.Thank you so much again.

Khadija said...

Love all of them!

farina said...

my bad that i didnt participate...but these creations truely present my feelings :)i loved keshie's,sannif's,Bia's and shany's creations...calena's creation's gist is too good!FAB JOB!

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