Happy 35th Birthday Shahid Kapoor!

The most important thing in life is love, wouldn't you agree?

So while we show our love for our Hero Shahid Kapoor throughout the year, we also love :) to shower him with wishes for his birthday. This year we made a rainbow bouquet of roses of your birthday wishes on Twitter and sent it to him. (Thank you for participating, everyone!)

And to commemorate the most important and exciting thing that happened in Shahid's life this year, the lovely Bia (@Biajji ) from @ShahidGermanyFC created a collage to celebrate LOVE:

As this happy day comes to an end, let us once again say:


Birthday Surprise for Shahid 2016

Hello, fellow Shanatics!

A lot has happened in this past year - #ShaMira! <3 - and it's time to organize a birthday surprise for Shahid again.

This year we're asking you to make it short and sweet: If you want to be included in Shahid_Online's birthday wish collection put your birthday wishes for our hero in ONE tweet and link it to @ShanaticArt.
All tweets (one per person) that reach us until February, 6th, 2016 will be included.

How to:

1. Make a tweet with your birthday wish for Shahid - DO NOT TAG HIM. You don't want him to see your wish weeks before his birthday, do you?

2. Write a tweet that includes the link to your actual birthday wish. Include the hashtag #Shahid2016
Tag @ShanaticArt .
(Why do you have to make two different tweets? If you tagged @ShanaticArt in your wish, it would look like you wished us. And it would take up precious characters, that are put to better use by expressing your feelings for Shahid.)

3. Send your tweets before Saturday, February 6th, midnight IST. Later tweets won't be included.

Thank you for participating!